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Get to Know Our Honorary Members

An EEAG Honorary Member is an artist of exceptional talent, with a life-long dedication to art, with a relationship to a current EEAG member, whose art, by choice or circumstance, has not previously been widely presented to the public.


Adelaida Otheguy

Adelaida Rivon de Otheguy was born in Havana Cuba on April 24t, 1918. Daughter of a prominent society couple, she was supposed to learn to play piano as most well-to-do girls were taught. Yet having no musical ability whatsoever, she had the good fortune that the husband of her piano teacher, who was himself a painter, convinced her father, Don Ricardo Rivón, that the girl had artistic talent, though she would never be able to play piano. Thus started her career in oil painting, which she continued all her life, including her university studies, (a rarity at that time for women), her marriage and raising of six children, the exile from her country, her job being a teacher of Spanish and Ethics in Puerto Rico and finally her retirement.  

Besides oil over canvas, she also did a lot of drawings, but few of those survived her exile.  Her favorite themes were landscapes, both urban and natural, some of the places she visited, but mostly of her native Cuba.

Adelaida rarely sold a painting because her husband, Luis, would fall in love with them, and never wanted her to part with any of them. Over time, her children and grandchildren succeeded in acquiring some of her paintings. The most astute of them would take a blank canvas to her, which she would paint, and since the finished product already had an owner, Don Luis would not object.

A remarkable and profoundly spiritual woman, Adelaida left her mark on many of Puerto Rico’s young women, in addition to her ample body of artistic work.  She passed away on Sept. 2016 at the age of 98.

Part of this description, as well as the artwork, is from a self-published book by her daughter María (Marilay) Otheguy.

"Life is short, but art lives forever".

The East En Art Guild remembers all it's members and we thank you for your contribution to our non-profit and our community of artists. 

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Anudasi was a key member of the East End Art Guild and his work received widespread recognition and awards. 

He was born in New York City to parents from Mayaquez, Puerto Rico, received a bachelor of arts degree from City College of New York, and resided in Luquillo, Puerto Rico, until his death in December 2019.

Anudasi was always interested in the configuration of things, the way things are held together through molecular structure and which is reflected in the vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns of his intricate designs. The paintings draw the viewer into a seemingly vast universe that is both random and controlled.

Information obtained from the Tuscarawas Center for the Arts.

Gary Ahrens

Gary was one of the founding members of the East End Art Guild, his kind spirit and immense talent will truly be missed.


Jacque Marling

Jacque Marling de Cuéllar was a licensed therapist, board-certified clinical Ericksonian hypnotherapist, and life coach for over 30 years. 


Previously, she practiced at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and continues to maintain her private practice. Her mission and purpose were to help others who suffer from trauma, anxiety, depression, cancer, and brain injury. She worked with her clients to create a sense of hope that life can be different and specializes in working with individuals teaching wellness and self-care to create a life they love. 

She passed away on December 16th, 2023, with the love of her children and husband by her side. 

Jacque created beautiful art of animals, plants, and still life using acrylic.

Her book, Pelusa's New Home: A Story About Adoption, was finally published on Amazon just days before her passing. 

This touching story, Pelusa's New Home, portrays many of the experiences, emotions, joys, and fears of adopted children, as told through the voices of rescue dogs. Touching lives, expanding one's awareness to include others, and learning to be open to receiving and giving is not fiction. All children need a sense of belonging. It's what many adoptees seek when they are adopted. Adoption is a calling, whether you are adopting a child or a pet. Adoptive children and families navigate some family situations that traditional biological families do not. Pelusa's New Home encourages children to trust their inner voice, acknowledge their feelings, take responsibility for their actions, and know they are enough.

To purchase her book on Amazon, please click on this link. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to PAWS

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East End Art Guild
295 Palmas Inn Way
Ste 104
HUMACAO, PR 00791-6257
United States

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